Tagged: Debugger

Where do I start?–Books and Blogs

Books – Although I feel I have a solid understanding windows internals, debugging and troubleshooting techniques and using Microsoft’s windbg as my preferred debugger I need to know where and how I could start to move my learning forward with regards to reversing engineering and malware analysis.

It seems these two books seem to be good books to start with which I intend to purchase shortly.

I already own Reversing and have been using it as light reading recently and so far find it a excellent read.

Some blogs and web sites I’ve been monitoring and following

Nice post on where to start @ http://computer-forensics.sans.org/blog/2010/11/12/get-started-with-malware-analysis/

Great IDA pro tutorials @ http://www.woodmann.com/TiGa/idaseries.html

Reversing labs @ http://fumalwareanalysis.blogspot.ie/p/malware-analysis-tutorials-reverse.html

Tons of past presentations on various interesting topics @ https://www.blackhat.com/html/bh-us-12/bh-us-12-archives.html

Site from the guy that runs the GREM training course for SANS – http://zeltser.com/reverse-malware/

Run by a good friend is this excellent resource for post mortem debugging and windbg @ http://dumpanalysis.org/

These are the blogs and books I’m reviewing and learning from at the moment.